They are installing a water guard system on the exterior of the building.
This system safely redirects the water collected from inside the crawlspace to the outside, ensuring that it is discharged far enough away to prevent any exacerbation of the hydrostatic pressure that the foundation walls may already be experiencing.

The Clean Space system consists of various layers and materials.
The brown layer, known as 'Easy Flow,' enables water to be collected by the Water Guard system and directed to the sump pump.

Our crew is currently installing a critical component of our Water Guard system.
We have excavated enough to enable water filtration inside the pipe, minimizing soil infiltration and preventing subsequent blockages.

Our crawl space is finally finished!
This area is now fully encapsulated and ready to be used as additional storage space!

This was the condition of the crawl space before our crew began working on it.
Many crawlspaces have been encapsulated using inexpensive materials, often without a proper system for collecting and redirecting water infiltration.