Serving East Tennessee, Johnson City, Chattanooga, Knoxville


Master Services Reviews and Ratings

Check out reviews and comments from our past customers.



Very please overall!

Awesome crew to work with. They did a great job and so very friendly and kind

May have possibly left a little bit of grit on the basement floor

Everyone was knowledgeable and courteous.

He was very knowledgeable, very professional.

I feel you don't need to call as much as you do. I was called numerous times to make sure I knew when you were comin...

Tyler and his crew are outstanding. They are very professional and did a great job.

Master Services Average: 4.9 out of 5
Total Reviews: 2596

our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Master Services
6226 Clinton Highway, Suite 1
Knoxville, TN 37912

Master Services
21498 Travalite Dr
Bristol, VA 24202

Master Services
651 E 4th St #200
Chattanooga, TN 37403
Service Area
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